Just Write!
Just Write! I am a writing procrastinator. Just ask my husband and business partner, who was one of my first newspaper editors. I used to rewrite a story’s lead over and over again before moving to...
Always spell-check your spell checker
Always spell-check your spell checkerA few years back, I had the privilege of interviewing a veteran who had overcome a severe case of PTSD following his military service in Iraq.This father of five...
They had it right in doggie obedience school
We walk our dog Izzy each afternoon down near the beach not far from our house. We greet other dog walkers almost every day, but most of the time, we keep Izzy from bounding up to the other dog...
So…are you better off than you were?
Blog Nearly 40 years ago, President Jimmy Carter and Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan would meet in their only televised debate prior to the 1980 election.It took place during the...